Community Gain Scheme
Bord na Móna set up the Mountlucas Community Gain Scheme in 2014 thanks to the help and cooperation of the communities’ local to Mountlucas Wind Farm. An annual fund of €1,000/MW per installed capacity per annum for the lifetime of the wind farm was established. The annual fund for the Mountlucas Wind Farm Community Gain Scheme is €84,000 index-linked.
Bord na Móna administers the scheme and an awards committee is drawn from the local communities of Daingean, Mount Lucas and Walsh Island. This local committee decides which projects are granted financial support. The funding has benefited schools, sports clubs, general amenity, social initiatives, as well as community facilities. Please see lists below for previous recipients and projects.
Mountlucas Community Gains Scheme 2024
The Mountlucas Wind Farm Community Gain Scheme 2024 is now closed.
Should you have any queries regarding your application, please contact the project team via , or alternatively call either the Community Gain Scheme Administrator on (046) 9733800, or the Community Fund Co-Ordinator Syra directly on 0871149132.

Near Neighbour Scheme
Electricity Contribution
In December 2017, Bord na Móna expanded its Community Benefit Package by introducing a Near Neighbour Scheme for Mountlucas Wind Farm.
The Near Neighbour Scheme offers electricity bill payers living within a prescribed distance of a wind turbine an annual discount on their electricity bills*.
Bord na Móna introduced the Scheme based on various research carried out and through engaging with local communities, which indicated that the provision of direct benefit to residents who lived in close proximity to a wind farm should be considered.
The Scheme is part of the company’s extensive community benefits package (which already includes an Annual Community Gain Scheme and Recreational Facilities).
Energy Efficiency Contribution / Education Support
The second aspect of the Near Neighbour Scheme is the provision of funding for individual residential properties within a prescribed distance of a wind turbine, to carry out energy efficiency measures on their property or use towards education support or towards the purchase of an EV vehicle*
In advance of commencement of works all homeowners must complete a Building Energy Rating (BER) assessment on their property to enable them to identify energy efficiency improvement works that could potentially be carried out on their property. Mountlucas Wind Farm has appointed Evolved Energy to carry out the BER Assessments for the residents.
To date, the company has completed a significant number of BER Assessments for residents adjoining the wind farm. Following the completion of the Assessment, applicants to the Scheme have progressed to the next stage of the Scheme. They have applied and received approval from Mountlucas Wind Farm to carry out varying measures of Energy Efficiency works on their homes or receive education support.
Examples of Energy Efficiency measures currently being carried out on homes include:
- Attic Insulation
- Cavity Wall Insulation
- External Wall Insulation
- Installation of Solar PV System
- Upgrade of Windows and Doors
- Installation of Solar Thermal System
- Upgrade of Heating Systems and Controls.
While the education support measure has provided assistance to a number of residents covering a variety of course from a level 6 Certificate to a Master Degree.
*subject to terms and conditions

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